quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2016


https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Q1dy73C4FdTkZvNXFzX3VETHc  (CLICK IN THE LINK TO HEAR THE AUDIO)

Ingratitude is the end of the road TO GOODNESS, and that is why it cannot be forgiven, because forgiveness is only for people of good heart.
The 8th  of March is the date when we render tribute to women worldwide, in which all people are included, regardless of their gender – man or woman – whose actions are congregated to give form to the female function, represented by MOTHER NATURE who gives us all without charges.
Being a woman is to mirror oneself on the great Mother of everything and everyone, Nature, whose focus is the redemption of everything and everyone, never thinking of anything, but always Reasoning in benefit of everyone, visible and invisible beings.
Thus, Nature proves to us how unmeasurable and transcendental is her power, for real power implies Goodness, reason why Nature is the great representative of God, the female expression of God, in charge of taking everyone under the bastion of gratitude to the true freedom, through the Rational Immunization, which is the final connection with God, the Superior Reasoning to all Reasonings, and the Superior Energy to all Energies, through the Energy of God, THE RATIONAL ENERGY, materialized in the words and messages written in THE BOOKS OF UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT – RATIONAL CULTURE.
This 8th of March, congratulations to all the people that are behaving in accordance to Nature, for they have already reached the development of the Reasoning throughout several lives, tracking the way of gratitude which is the way to their own freedom.
Ingratitude is a set of all gathered ruins for lack of a good heart and, thus, leading their affiliates to realms of perdition.
Peace and health to everyone through the development of the Reasoning!

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